Posts in Confidence
Trust your gut but don't ask it to speak

Have you ever had a decision to make and didn’t trust your gut and regretted it later?  According to the book, “Designing Your Life:  How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life” by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, the best decision-making part of the brain is in the old brain and it has no connection to the part of your brain that controls vocabulary!  The decision making part of the brain is connected to your guts.  IE: a gut decision is a real thing. 

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Are You Worried About What Others Are Thinking About You?

Do you ever catch yourself worrying a bit too much about what others think of you.  Remember what Dr. Daniel Amen: calls, “The 18, 40, 60 rule.”.  Basically, it states:  ‘At 18, you are worried about what everybody is thinking about you.  At 40, you don’t give a darn about what anyone is thinking about you.  At 60, you realize that nobody’s been thinking about you at all.’ 

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Be Like A Buffalo

Rory Vaden (a Colorado Native) and author of “Procrastinate on Purpose” and “Take the Stairs” talks about how in Colorado, cows and buffaloes both make their home there.  When the storms move in from the west, cows run away from the storm which actually maximizes their pain.  Buffaloes run towards the storm which minimizes the pain.  This is called THE PAIN PARADOX.

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Do You Know Who Things Always Turn Out Best For?

What if you could put away your worries about the future and know that things were going to turn out for the best for you?  You can be the person people point to and say, ‘look how great things always turn out for him/her.’   Legendary UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden said, “Things Turn Out Best for Folks Who Make the Best of the Way Things Turn Out.”

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Act As If

Looking for something novel to do this upcoming weekend?  Here’s an exercise outlined in the book, “The Success Principles.”  It’s called ‘The Millionaire Cocktail Party’.  Here is what you do:  spend an evening where everyone at the party acts as if they have already accomplished all their big goals and have achieved millionaire status.  Stay in character all night.” 

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