Posts tagged Decisions
Trust your gut but don't ask it to speak

Have you ever had a decision to make and didn’t trust your gut and regretted it later?  According to the book, “Designing Your Life:  How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life” by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, the best decision-making part of the brain is in the old brain and it has no connection to the part of your brain that controls vocabulary!  The decision making part of the brain is connected to your guts.  IE: a gut decision is a real thing. 

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Stop Should-ing All Over Yourself

Do you have a list of things you ‘should’ be doing but aren’t?  Why aren’t you doing these things and is the guilt of your ‘should’ list getting to you?  In the book You Can Heal Your Life” by Louis Hay, there is an exercise the says:  “Complete five sentences that all begin with ‘I should…’. Then read each statement and ask “Why?”  Change each sentence to ‘If I really wanted to, I could…” 

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