Posts in Mindfulness
Mindfillness and Mindfulness

Do you like to learn new things?  Perhaps you’re like me and like to listen to audiobooks or podcasts on your commute.  Inputing information into our minds is certainly good.  But we need to balance that with simply being present and observing.   Onnit CEO Aubrey Marcus was interviewed by Hal Elrod and talked about Mindfillness vs. Mindfulness. 

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You have a Personal Guru

Best selling American author and teacher, Jack Kornfield, understands the stresses and time-pressures parents are under.  He has talked about how parents often feel guilty and further stressed by not being able to carve out time to meditate or attend retreats/seminars.  He has stated that “your kids are your practice: no guru/master will be more demanding than your young infant/toddler/kid.” 

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