What Have You Learned?
In these challenging times, many are asking ‘what have we learned as a society?’ Perhaps it helps to think of Rumi’s quote, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” To begin changing yourself, it can be helpful to think about what you have learned so far in your life and to make sure you are applying the lessons. There’s a great journal exercise from the book “The Power of Full Engagement” by Tony Schwartz, James E. Loehr. It says to jump ahead to the end of your life and ask yourself: ‘What are the 3 most important lessons I’ve learned and why are they so critical.’ So what are your 3 most important lessons? How have you changed your ways since learning those lessons? Can you find a way to teach those lessons to others who need or want to learn them?