Here's How To Get Your Work Done Faster And More Accurately
Before jumping into your next work project or task, do a quick scan of your mood. If you’re not in a positive state, it’s to your advantage to do something to lift your mood prior to starting your project. Shawn Achor, author of “The Happiness Advantage,” talks about a few studies that show why. In a 1980’s study, 4 year olds were asked to think of their happiest memories (Example: I had jello for lunch yesterday). Then the researchers told the 4 year olds to put blocks together. They put them together 66% faster and more accurately than the neutral subjects. In a 1997 study, researchers primed doctors to be in a more positive state before making a diagnosis. These doctors were 19% faster and more accurate at correctly diagnosing the issue. Achor jokes that “therefor you should give the doctor a lollypop instead of the other way around.” What can you do to enhance your mood prior to starting into your next project today?