Press the Pause Button
For many folks, right now they feel like their lives are paused. Some are frustrated by this but there is another perspective. A few years ago, Maria Shriver game a commencement address to the USC School for Communications/Journalism. She said, “My wish for you is to have the courage to press the pause button and to learn the power of the pause…I dare you to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing which is running around like a lunatic. Pause and learn to communicate inwardly: find out what’s important to YOU. She also quoted Edmund Hillary who said, “It is not the mountain we end up having to conquer, it is ourselves.” During this time in history, are you taking time to pause and go inwardly? Are you quieting the mind, journaling, and getting clear on what’s most important to you in your life? Do you do this regularly? Maybe even daily? How might your life be better if you did?