Ready, Fire, Aim
Is your approach to life: ‘Ready, Aim, Fire?” Did you know, this approach isn’t always the best approach. Whole Foods founder and CEO, John Mackey had said that a lot of his success has come from following the philosophy of: “Ready, Fire, Aim.” Essentially, he is saying that he had a general vision for what he wanted to do and started taking actions, learning from those actions and developing a clearer and clearer focus for where to direct his next set of actions. Many of us spend excessive amounts of time trying to aim at the perfect target. That can lead to us staying stagnant while trying to figure out that elusive, perfect next stepw hen in actuality, taking a step and recalibrating would be much more efficient and productive. Are there areas in your life that a “Ready, Fire, Aim” approach might be beneficial for you? Try it out for a few days…might just change your life.